Friday, November 9, 2012

1862 November 10 Lynchburg, Va.

[from the diary of William M. Blackford, bank officer and former diplomat with five sons in the Confederate Army]

Monday 10  Fine & mild morg.  Eugene
D. left us early for home.  The house
is now clear of company for the
first time for several months.
How long will it be thus?  not
a day to judge by the fact Mrs.
B's encouraging all [?] renders
company now  [?] irksome
    Very busy all day and as usual
much engaged for others.  I had
a letter yesterday from Mrs. Gen Huger
dated Raleigh requesting me to send
her trunk of clothes to Columbia
if indeed she had sent one to me,of
which she seems doubtful, [and un?]
[less?] the trunk containing the silver
remains where I placed it in the
Farmers Bk vault--She in point
of fact sent me two trunks besides
that with the plate.  These I had
strapped and covered with mat
ting and taken to the Express--but
to my disappointment was told that
the roads had been seized for use
of  Government & that nothing could

be forwarded. I had them carried back
to our basement--She mentioned that
poor Tighlman was rapidly de-
clining--that he was with them
on his route to Florida where
he had been ordered, but that there
was not much hope he would be able
to get there.  We all like him
much & deeply regret one so young
amiable & accomplished should
be thus prematurely cast of Dr
Maupin called on me and after
wards took tea with us. By the
way he is the only professor who
never called on me when I was at
the University, and who never in
=vited me to his home--so I [?]
[?] etc.

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